Become a SHEEX Affiliate
SHEEX is a different sleep experience.
THE FEEL + THE DIFFERENCE, our twin pillars, help us continue forward in our mission to bring better sleep to our customers.
Our intention is to design sleep solutions that maximize a restful night’s sleep through unique innovation. SHEEX premium bedding delivers all the feels, making it exciting to get into bed. With SHEEX, you feel the difference in and out of bed. We own the night, so that our customers can own the day.
Joining the SHEEX affiliate program is a fantastic way to earn extra cash through your existing site traffic or email outreach. You can start by signing up through one of our affiliate platforms linked below. Once you're approved, you'll be raking in commissions from qualifying purchases made through your affiliate links.
We're excited to team up with you and explore the world of affiliate marketing together. So, don't wait – get started now!
What's in it for you?
- Competitive commission on net sales, excluding shipping, taxes, discounts, and returns
- Eligibility for commission on sales originating from your site or email within 15 days
- Weekly affiliate email updates with trending gear, deals, and best sellers
- Additional collaborative opportunities available
How to get started
- Apply for the SHEEX Affiliate program via Partnerize
- Find the product link that you want to feature on SHEEX
- Use the SHEEX URL to create your unique tracking link in the Partnerize platform
- Copy and paste that link on your site or email
- Check out our Just Landed page to help your readers get the best items from SHEEX
Affiliate Terms & Conditions
Qualifying Purchases and Revenue:
SHEEX will pay commissions in connection with “Qualifying Purchases”, which (subject to the exclusions described below) occur when:
(a) a customer clicks through a Special Link on your Site or email to the SHEEX Site; and
(b) during a single session, which is measured as beginning when a customer clicks through that Special Link and ending upon the first to occur of the following: (x) 15-days elapse from that click, or (y) the customer clicks through a Special Link to a SHEEX Site that is not your Special Link
For each Qualifying Purchase, the corresponding “Qualifying Revenue” is equal to the amount SHEEX actually receives from that Qualifying Purchase, less any shipping charges, gift-wrapping fees, handling fees, taxes (e.g. sales tax and VAT), service charges, credits, rebates, credit card processing fees, and bad debt.
Disqualified Orders:
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Qualifying Purchases are disqualified whenever they occur in connection with a violation of this Affiliate Program Statement or any other terms, conditions, specifications, statements, and policies that SHEEX may issue from time to time that apply to the Affiliate Program.
Further, the following purchases that would otherwise be Qualified Purchases are disqualified and excluded from the Affiliate Program:
(a) any product purchased after termination of your Agreement,
(b) any product order where a cancellation, return, or refund has been initiated,
(c) any product order that has been deemed fraudulent,
(d) any product order placed by SHEEX employees or affiliates,
(e) any product purchase that is not correctly tracked or reported because the links from your site to the relevant SHEEX Site are not properly formatted
(f) any product purchased by a customer who is referred to the SHEEX Site through any advertisement that you purchased through participation in bidding or auctions on keywords, search terms, or other identifiers that include the word “SHEEX”
Standard Program Fees
Commissions are calculated as a percentage of Qualifying Revenue. Below is a breakdown of SHEEX’s base commission rates, although this does not necessarily represent the actual commission rate you will receive. All commission rates are subject to change, based on the needs and interests of the business and without notice.
- Partnerize - 8%
- Payment schedule: SHEEX pays the platform directly and then Partnerize pays commissions based on their own set terms with their partners.
- Payment schedule: SHEEX approves commissions on a 60-day basis and pays the platform directly. Partnerize then pays approved commissions on a 60-day basis.
Identifying Yourself as an Affiliate:
You must clearly state the following, or any substantially similar statement, on your Site or any other location where SHEEX may authorize your display or other use of Program Content: “As a SHEEX Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Except for this disclosure, you will not make any public communication with respect to this Agreement or your participation in the Affiliate Program without our advance written permission. You will not misrepresent or embellish our relationship with you.
Affiliate Program Participation Requirements:
- Enrollment and Eligibility
To begin the enrollment process, you must submit a complete and accurate Affiliate Program application. Your Site(s) must contain original content and be publicly available via the website address provided in the application. You must identify your Site(s) in your application. SHEEX will evaluate your application and notify you of its acceptance or rejection. Your Site will not be eligible for inclusion in the Affiliate Program, and you cannot include any Special Links or Product Advertising Content on it, if your Site is unsuitable. Unsuitable Sites include those that:
(a) promote or contain sexually explicit or obscene materials,
(b) promote violence or contain violent materials,
(c) promote or contain false, deceptive, libelous or defamatory materials,
(d) promote or contain materials or activity that is hateful, harassing, harmful, invasive of another’s privacy, abusive, or discriminatory (including on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age),
(e) promote or undertake illegal activities,
(f) are directed toward children or knowingly collect, use, or disclose personal information from children under 13 years of age or other applicable age threshold (as defined by applicable laws and regulations); or violate any applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, licenses, permits, guidelines, codes of practice, industry standards, self-regulatory rules, judgments, decisions, or other requirements of any applicable governmental authority related to child protection,
(g) include any trademark of SHEEX or its affiliates, or a variant or misspelling of a trademark of SHEEX or its affiliates in any domain name, subdomain name, in any “tag” or Affiliate ID, or in any username, group name, or other identifier on any social networking site; or
(h) promote, utilize, or are suspected of coupon activity,
(i) otherwise violate any intellectual property rights.
SHEEX will determine suitability at our sole discretion. If we reject your application due to unsuitable content, you may reapply at any time once you have complied with our suitability requirements. However, if at any time we 1) reject your application for any other reason or 2) terminate your account in connection with any violation or abuse (as determined in our sole discretion), you cannot attempt to re-join the Affiliate Program without our advance authorization.
SHEEX reserves the right to end any affiliate partnership at our discretion without warning.
You will ensure that the information in your Affiliate Program application and information otherwise associated with your account on the Affiliate Site, including your email address, other contact information, and identification of your Site, is at all times complete, accurate, and up-to-date. SHEEX may send notifications (if any), approvals (if any), and other communications relating to the Affiliate Program and the Agreement to the email address then-currently associated with your Program account. You will be deemed to have received all notifications, approvals, and other communications sent to that email address, even if the email address associated with your account is no longer current.
If you are a non-US person participating in the Affiliate Program, you agree that unless you have otherwise notified us in your tax information you will perform all services under the Agreement outside the United States.
The Affiliate Program is free to join, and we provide resources on the Affiliate Site to help Affiliates succeed with the program. SHEEX has never authorized any business to provide paid set-up or consulting services to our associates, so please be wary if any business like that (even one attempting to appropriate the SHEEX name) reaches out to offer you costly services.
- Links on Your Site
(a) Special Links
After you have applied to the Affiliate Program, you are permitted to display Special Links on your Site. Special Links enable accurate tracking, reporting, and accrual of fees.
Special Links must use the Affiliate ID we have assigned to you.
(b) General Requirements Applicable to All Special Links
Special Links may be created by you or made available to you by us. If we inform you that your Site does not qualify to use certain types of links, you must cease displaying those types of links on your Site. You are solely responsible for the content, style, and placement of each link that you place on your Site and for ensuring that Special Links (whether created by you or made available to you by us) include the appropriate formatting necessary for us to properly track referrals of our customers from your Site. All Special Links must be accessed directly from your Site. For example, you must include your Affiliate ID or “tag” as a parameter in the URL of each link you place on your Site to the SHEEX Site.