The Ultimate Bedding Guide for Pet Owners

The Ultimate Bedding Guide for Pet Owners

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Our furry four-legged friends are often our most loyal companions, and for many dog and cat owners, keeping their pet tucked away in a separate bed on the other side of the house at night is less than ideal. If you have always wanted to bunk up with your best buddy or little princess, then rejoice: a study conducted by Mayo Clinic found that sleeping with your canine (or cat) in the bedroom can increase sleep efficiency to 83%! sheex dog

Where Should My Dog or Cat Sleep?

According to experts this boils down to both your and your animal's personal preference. Light sleepers may prefer their pet sleep in a pet bed close by, while heavier sleepers may opt for sharing the bed.  Either way Dr. Lois Krahn, a sleep specialist for Mayo Clinic, states that "a purring cat or well-behaved dog nearby may be.. very conducive to sleep." Before we settle on a final spot, outfit your bedroom with some pet bedding!

cat bedding

What Is the Best Pet-Friendly Bedding?

Unless your family pet is hypoallergenic, then they probably shed. Cotton sheets are a bad fit for pet bedding because the dog or cat hair can become trapped between individual threads, making cleaning and maintenance a nuisance. To snooze comfortably with your favorite pal night after night, the best choice is SHEEX® Performance Bedding. Our performance fabrics easily repel dog hair - to clean your sheets, simply use a brush to wipe away excess hair in the morning. Enhanced breathability and moisture-wicking qualities will keep you and your pet comfortable all night for deeper sleep. SHEEX® bedding breathes to keep pets cooler at night which can minimize, if not eliminate panting. sheex pup Even if you choose to have your furry friend sleep in a pet bed, you can line the bed with a single SHEEX® sheet. The design of the fabric will keep your pup or cat cool during the night and will block hairs from getting trapped in the pet bed. If your pet sneaks onto the family's favorite sofa or dad's recliner to snooze while you are away for the day, you can even drape a SHEEX® sheet over your fabric furniture to keep your pet comfy and prevent those pesky pet hairs when you're not watching. SHEEX dog hailey

How Do You Introduce a Pet to a New Bed?

First, allow your best friend to sleep in a pet bed in your bedroom for a couple of nights to adapt to the space. Buy an appropriately-sized pet bed and, if necessary, use treats to entice them into the pet bed at night. After two successful nights sleeping in the same room you can invite them to snooze in your bed. Keep the pet bed nearby for a week or so in case your dog or cat needs to adjust or get up in the night. Get the best night of sleep you and your pet have ever had with SHEEX® Performance Bedding!

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Original Performance Sheet Set

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Original Performance Pillowcases


Description Details Care A super-soft necessity for any Sleep System. Our silky-soft Original Performance Pillowcases are a great addition to your bedding set or sleep system. Mix and match colors to create your own look and style or pair with… read more

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