5 Bedroom Storage Hacks & Solutions
Many modern households have embraced the mantra "less is more" in an effort to streamline their living spaces. Whether you're in a tiny NYC Studio Loft, a comfortable three bedroom home in the 'burbs, or reside in a sprawling... more »
Bedroom Playlists and Music for the Bedroom
We're all about offering you an awesome sleep experience in our super soft and comfy SHEEX. That's why we're in the business of providing you sexy, edgy, and cooler bedding and sleepwear that make that possible night-after-night. Although, while... more »
Can Sex Help You Sleep Better?
Restless sleepers will do anything to get a peaceful slumber — buy white noise machines, use earplugs and eye masks, or try sleeping pills. But there's a sleep remedy that's more natural — and could be a lot more fun — than any of... more »
2019 New Year's Resolution: A Good Night's Sleep - First 31 Days Checklist
The busy holiday month of December has rushed by in a flurry of celebration and gifts, family and food, and in some climes, flakes of snow. Now it is time to make a New Year's Resolution for 2019 and completely reinvent yourself! Okay, that is... more »
Our 10 Top Favorites: Now Back in Stock
Looking for something new, or just looking to refresh your linen closet with your favorite SHEEX? We've restocked (just in time for the holidays) so you can make up your bed with the most comfortable sheets and bedding out there. Here are a few of your... more »
Why Homegating Is Better Than Tailgating
Tailgating the big NFL game this weekend sounds like a great idea until you slog through a foot of snow and run out of hot dog buns long before you finish grilling hot dogs. In the past few years homegating has become a popular alternative to... more »
Exercise & Mental Health: Sweat Your Way to Happiness
The Mind-Body Connection: Sweat Your Way to HappinessObviously, exercise is one of the primary ways to boost your physical health, along with proper diet and maintaining great sleep habits. But as you may have heard, the amount of physical activity you... more »
What Is Sleep Paralysis?
What Is Sleep Paralysis?You wake up in a confused haze, unable to speak or move your body. You are actually awake, but it feels like a dream. You feel helpless, and as you note the pressure on your chest you also realize, with a jolt, that someone is in... more »
Three Benefits of Sleeping Naked
Deciding what to wear as you drift off to sleep should really be a choice of comfort. When you prefer to be cool at night you will probably skip the thick cotton pajamas and nightcap, especially if you and your partner are cuddling up underneath a SHEEX... more »
Three Benefits of Cuddling & Why It's Good for Your Health
Are you still battling the arctic chill of winter? With unpredictable February temps that can occasionally dip below freezing you may be turning to hot cocoa, sweaters, scarves and just about anything to make you feel warmer in these... more »
Wedding Wellness Plan
Congratulations are in order! The big day of your wedding is fast approaching. The bride and groom, and typically the entire wedding party, start planning to look and feel their best by that special day on the calendar. Honestly, you all are going to look great no... more »
Menopause Relief: Tips for Beating Hot Flashes at Night
A sudden rush of heat is never considered to be a comfortable feeling. Knowing you are about to have one doesn't make the feeling any more desirable. Three-quarters of all women experience hot flashes as a symptom of menopause. There's no... more »
Getting Sleep During The Busy Holiday Season
If you have a few extra days off from work this holiday season, it is an ideal time to catch up on much needed sleep. However, with everything from baking, to travel, to visiting family and friends, the holiday office parties, and just getting all the... more »
Does Your Significant Other Run Hot?
You can't live without them, but you can't bear to sleep with them. Does your partner run so hot in bed that neither one of you is comfortable or can get a decent night's sleep? Is the feeling of being snuggled next to each other completely... more »
How Breathing To Fall Asleep Can Help You Relax
While respiratory techniques are commonly used in yoga and as a means to stave off anxiety, breathing to fall asleep may be exactly what you need to calm your body and drift off peacefully and quickly. How does it work? The same way counting sheep does.... more »
What To Do If You Keep Waking Up At Night
What's the best thing you can do to combat a restless night's sleep? The simple answer is to do nothing, which more often than not is easier said than done. In case you're not a "sit tight and wait it out" sleeper, we've compiled a... more »
8 Plants That Help You Sleep
Take a break from stylized sleep aids and fancy gadgets that promise improved sleep with something more natural: plants. Specifically, plants that help you sleep! While plants are known for producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, many have... more »
5 Tricks to Stop Snoring
Tennis Balls for Sleep TrainingFirst on our list of tricks to stop snoring is to change your sleeping position — from on your back to on your side. When you sleep on your back, you are more likely to snore. In this position, your tongue and other... more »
What is Sleep Inertia & What Are the Symptoms?
What is Sleep Inertia?Sleep inertia is the feeling of grogginess and incomplete awakening that reduces your ability to perform even simple tasks. Part of your body is, in fact, still asleep. Sleep inertia can happen both when you wake up from a... more »
Tips for Sleeping on a Plane
Be Tech-SmartSet your watch to your destination's time zone.Turn off any screens, since the blue light can disrupt your sleep. This includes phones, laptops and even the in-seat monitor.Choose ComfortWear comfortable loose-fitting clothes that are... more »